Thursday, March 18, 2010

Follow Your Nose

Dear Nose,

Could I help you find a way to smell again? Is there something I can do? I tried blowing the stuff that seems clogged up there, but I think it has sealed itself tightly like crazy glue on two index fingers. It doesn't seem like I can get anything between it and the gentle wall of my nostrils.

Do you know of any way?

I tried nasal spray last night and it nearly burned you inside and tonight I tried some sinus medication that said it would relieve you. You seem like you aren't as angry, but you are still not letting air pass through. I don't know what that is about.

Do you feel like I don't appreciate you? Because I do. I really really do.

Especially with you being gone for so long.

Thank you for helping me taste things. I think I made the best plaintains ever and the best curry chicken ever this weekend, but I can only make those judgements based on my eyes. I want to thank you for helping me smell my son's poops so I didn't have to sacrifice my finger by plunging it forth into the back end of the diaper.

I didn't mean to take you for granted. Will you please come back to me so we can work together the way we used to. Remember the days when we would track down that sippy cup under the couch together? And when we would search out the stinky fish to keep Annie B away from (Annie B is the bestest dog ever)? Or what about when I would be like 2 days past a shower and be able to sniff myself out and know that it was SURELY time for a shower? Remember those times?

Maybe you will be back some day.

I miss you nose.

1 comment:

  1. guessing your eyes continue to water as well :( could have done without the "diaper plunging" - but great visuals throughout. AnnieB appreciates the "shout out" ... no wonder why she wanted to read with me today ;)
