Friday, March 5, 2010

Foto Friday: Around the World Alone

I used to travel solo,
each day going out into the world alone,
unaccompanied save for a cell phone 
and a mind of lost thoughts.
Oh, and an iPod.
And, um, a camera...
What can I say?
(those were pre-iPhonic times).
Capturing life's moments on one's own
wasn't always easy, so I improvised
by, oh, say, sharing a room in Inverness 
with an Israeli drug dealer or
perhaps sleeping on a park bench in Prague.
Fortunately, I lived to tell the tales and
and didn't end up in a trafficked one.
 But man, that life sure lent itself to 
some great one handed MySpace snaps.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't tell Elizabeth Allison any of those stories when she wants to forgo state school & backpack through obscure European countries....
