Monday, March 1, 2010

Six Word Memoir Monday !!

According to the folks at Smith Magazine, everyone has a story. The question is, can you tell yours in just six words?

The idea of the six word memoir spawned from a $10 bet Hemingway wagered back in the 1920's that he could tell a complete story in just six words. His story?

"For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn."

Pretty good, eh? I think so.

Keeping with the spirit of concise profundity, Smith Magazine asks readers to encapsulate their lives in less words than the average text or tweet and has published some of the best submissions in two separate collections, entitled Not Quite What I Was Planning and its latest release, It All Changed In An Instant.

I thought it might be fun to play a version of that six word memoir game here today at Life As We Blog It, so welcome to the first edition of My So Called Weekend in Six.  Consider the choices you made this weekend and how they affected its outcome.  Can you sum up your entire weekend in just six words, no more, no less? Remember, when you have so few words, punctuation is super important!

I'll go first:
Chose to leave the papers behind. 


  1. Visited grandchildren to enjoy their lifestyles.
    Nancy Slease

  2. Retreated with others' children, without duty.

  3. Enjoyed catching up with old friends.

  4. So, is there going to be a theme for the 6 words or just 6 words we think of? Off to do mine now. :)

  5. I think we'll switch it up from week to week !!

    My longstanding 6 worder is "Made choices: some bad, most good".

    Thanks for the posts, girls!

    Hey everyone, I'm going to out Nancy who wrote the first comment - she was MY high school English teacher and is a very dear family friend!! How cool is that?

    Paula, loved catching up with you, too! xx

    Ashley - I've missed you! I've created a bunch of scenarios to go with your 6 words...

    Kaira - can't wait to read it. Post it when you're done!

    Celine, what's yours?

  6. Discovered I'm raising a wrestling champion~ Suzi Burns

  7. I did nothing but watch movies. :D

    But actually haha, it was a very uneventful weekend.

