Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oh Baby!

At this moment, a friend who lived on my freshman hall at Bucknell and was quite dear to me back then, is waiting for her little girl to come into this world.

Little Gabriella is mighty comfortable in the womb and it appears she wants to stay there, much to the chagrin of her momma, Malena.

I know she's going to make a great mom - she was definitely the maternal one on the hall freshman year: she always had a thoughtful comment when one of us was feeling down, a warm recliner for us to sit in when we needed a bit of comfort, and a truly warm, caring spirit. She was a great friend and I think that great friends make for great moms, don't you?

This is her first babe (which thrills me beyond belief since Malena is MY age and I've yet to have one myself... there's still hope!) and like most first babies, her little darling is taking her good ole time coming into this world. I've heard rumors that tomorrow might be Induction Day, so this is the perfect week to run her Mommie Interview.

Meet my friend Malena Moore Gittler; I'm excited about this interview because as some of you know, I'm kinda a ball of nerves when it comes to all things pregnancy... and baby. When you're 37 and haven't even stepped up from the first rung of the Mommie Ladder, there's a lot of pressure and too many opinions on what you should/should not be doing. Some people even think you've waited too long to start the show but hey! not all of us get there by taking the same route, right?

Best of luck tomorrow, Malena! You'll have a Blogosphere full of thoughts and prayers heading  to Central PA:

Malena: Life circumstances have me facing first time motherhood at almost 37 years-old. I was blessed to be introduced to my husband JJ in 2002 and we married in 2004. Neither of us was in a rush to start a family: we were enjoying being just us! Fortunately when we decided to "try", it worked fairly quickly. Magical almost, considering the fact that I had been on birth control for almost 20 years. Yikes!!

As I sit here pregnant, I am getting nervous. Hoping that I have the energy, patience, and knowledge to be a good mother. Terrified that I will pass along to my daughter all of my neuroses about weight, beauty, and fitting in. And most importantly, thankful that I have two sisters with daughters -- maybe I can learn from them and follow their lead!


  1. Wait, you're pregnant? Congrats. And at 39 living happily childfree, it's your choice. Ignore the "advice" and do what is right for you. And remember that when your daughter gets to the same point in her life!

    reb. g

  2. I'm not pregnant! No - my first step onto the ladder was getting married !

    I'm in such flux about having a baby - one day I think it's the best idea ever and what I was meant to do, and, well, the next day I see that there's a huge sale on airfare to Croatia and shudder at the thought of not being able to jump on it!

  3. Oh I love this one!! And there is ALWAYS hope lady. Until those parts literally fall out and die (which I'm told doesn't happen often), there is hope!
