Monday, May 3, 2010

"Turn it up, Man!"

That's what my husband said to me last evening around 8 pm (and he wasn't talking Freedom Rock). Well, those above aren't his words verbatim but they're pretty close.

He was talking about air conditioning - the bane of my summer.

I love summer. I love heat. I don't even mind a touch of humidity and I kid you not, when I'm home during the summer, I will sit in our flat from the moment I wake at 7 am until Matt arrives home around 8pm without ever turning that awful machine on.

But the minute there are two people occupying our 702 square feet, well, then it's a different story. That's when the AC becomes a necessary evil.

There's nothing worse for my husband than working a 10-11 hour day, followed by an hour or so of sweating purposefully at the gym and then walking ten blocks back to our place only to arrive home to an incubator.

I get that and to be honest, after 12 hours of sitting in my home-made sauna, I'm ready for a little relief, too; and so when Matty arrives home, the AC goes on.

And then I start to freeze. And Pinkerton refuses to sleep on the bed and takes to the low country instead. And then I am cold, stuffy, and sad.

But what's the other option? Sweat all over our lovely furniture and bedding? Get an awful night's sleep? We can't open the windows at night or we'll be awake all night to the sounds of the truck route - particularly those belonging to the 6 night a week garbage and recycling fellows - that passes in front of our bedroom.

So I freeze. And Pinks mews. And Matt sleeps.

What about you? What are the necessary evils of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Laundry!!! I would just buy new clothes if our budget allowed. :)
