Sunday, March 21, 2010

Girls Girls Girls

Here is what I am observing about the women that exude femininity in my world. They have curls, wear skirts, wear heels, have a kick in their step, they smile brightly and dye regularly. They sometimes drape just the right scarf in just the right way. They don't leave the house without a little color on some part of their face and something hanging from their neck or wrist. They have a bag clutched or hung on the arm that others look at and want.

They move slowly and quietly.

Many of the women around me today had these things and wore them with ease. I had a meeting with the women from my church today - one of the many reasons I love my church.

I noticed the woman with the smart white coatish half jacket with the bold black buttons. She had a sweet face to match the class of the outfit. Then there was the curl covered speaker who just oozed with femininity and didn't need her sweet husband nearby to prove it, but he was there too. Her features were fine and speech was on point and confident. It was wonderful.

I also noticed the cute, some even hand-craftedly beautiful necklaces and matching earrings and handbags. It was amazing and I want it all.

I was not part of the oozing.

I found myself getting back to my house just in time to throw on a brown cotton dress and a covering paired with my brown, round toed, 3 year old (and it shows) flats. No shower in 2 days, not even a brush through the hair. The whole ride back to my home I was thinking I shouldn't go because I am still without nose and with cough and mucous.

For me debating always ends with a yes. I am glad that it does.

It was lovely. I was inspired to be.

And I will try for femininity next time because that's what I want to exude.


  1. I thought for sure my picture would be front and center on this post, what with the way my femininity oozes from every pore each time I swear like a trucker...

  2. Ali, I am shocked! You DO exude femininity! I am taken back as early as middle and a certain group of girls established yourselves as the girly girls of Warrior Run. And, I have looked over your photos, you are gorgeous. Your wedding should be on one of the tv shows of "how to do it right".

    I don't say this as an ego stroke...I say this as someone who isn't (and has never been) the feminine, dainty one.

    Keep writing...I do enjoy you posts!

  3. I love this post. I love the visuals you put in there. Makes me want to try harder to be that picture.

  4. you are such a good writer! I enjoy reading your blog
