Friday, May 14, 2010


This kid scares me. He is a risk taker and rule maker. He sets the bar and then blows it out of the water and I know that I am not going to be able to keep up soon. Real soon.


  1. first line, says it all.

  2. sets the bar and then blows it out of the water? what kind of mixed metaphor is that? how about "sets the bar and then vaults right over it?"

    or "sets the mine and then blows ME right out of the water."

  3. I feel you. Really, I do. The thing I struggle with is how to keep my mister safe without sending him the message that he "can't do that", or can't handle it. I want him to think he can accomplish anything, you know?

  4. He is looking pretty devious and determined in this shot.

  5. I thought about that metaphor myself and thought it would be rather cliche, but then I figured the dishes needed to be done.
